Trustee (Policy / Communications experience)

Salary : This is a voluntary position

About the role

Our Trustees are vital to us, setting the strategy for the organisation, ensuring its financial stability and offering insights that help us to ask and answer questions. The Board of Trustees lead and control Tender and are responsible for its governance, policy and affairs. Trustees have responsibilities under charity and company law, and also under Tender’s Memorandum and Articles of Association, for directing the affairs of the organisation, ensuring that it is solvent, well run and delivers Tender’s objects. The day-to-day running of the charity is delegated to the CEO and the Senior Leadership Team.

How to apply

Download the application pack

Please send your CV and a 1 – 2 page supporting statement that demonstrates how you meet the criteria for the role to If you need more information, or would like to have an informal conversation with the Chair before applying, please email and we will arrange a call.