Harriet Clark

Senior Projects Coordinator (London & the South East)

Harriet works as a Projects Coordinator for Tender’s London and South East Team, specialising in working in alternative provisions such as pupil referral units, youth centres, youth justice systems, specialist schools and more.

Prior to this, she graduated from the University of Nottingham with a joint honours BA in Criminology and Sociology, where she primarily focused her work on social justice issues; in particular, analysing educational intervention as a prevention method for sexual violence.

This passion led to her role as content contributor and researcher for the grassroots, youth-led organisation Our Streets Now, which aims to raise awareness and educate young people on the issues of public sexual harassment and other intersectionalities of gender-based violence. 

Harriet has published articles and other work through Our Streets Now, as well as the award-winning, feminist journalist organisation Empoword. Her article Hypersexuality as a Valid Trauma Response has been the number one read article for nearly two years. This work has allowed her to learn the benefits of dealing with trauma through creative outlets, as well as sharing as an educative method; a part of Tenders ethos that she greatly admires.