Tender at 20: A new brand for our next chapter

Tender brand and illustrations

Why did we decide to rebrand?

Tender was last rebranded around 12 years ago and since then the charity has evolved and grown. We’ve expanded our reach outside of London, opened our work to a wider audience – spanning children, young people and adults – and advocated for policy change. In tandem with this, we’ve diversified our fundraising, exploring new opportunities and income streams to keep our incredible work going. We believe our refreshed brand will speak to new audiences and strengthen relationships with existing ones – so we can ultimately reach more people and help them to have healthy relationships, whether that’s in the classroom, at university or in the workplace.

A symbol of connection and kindness

One of the most visible transformations in Tender’s rebrand is the logo. While the heart motif, symbolic of love and compassion, has remained central, it has evolved to reflect connection and warmth. The new logo alludes to hands coming together – a handshake or an embrace – a powerful representation of the unity, support and collaboration at the core of Tender’s work. It reflects the organisation’s commitment to kindness and empathy – values that are not just preached, but practised daily.

The heart of what we do

Part of our rebrand has included a more optimistic voice and tone – using language of hope, empowerment and change. Tender’s strapline has undergone a transformation too, to align more closely with this optimistic outlook and make our message more accessible to children in primary schools.

A journey together

The rebranding process has been a collaborative effort involving the design agency Osch and our dedicated team of staff, who have been working to make this project a success since early 2023. Thorough consultation and research has underpinned this project to ensure the refreshed brand resonates with those we work with. Through this project we have captured the views of staff, trustees, young people and educational professionals to understand what the organisation means to them and how to refresh its identity accordingly.

In a world where, unfortunately, abuse and harmful relationships continue to be present, Tender is leading the way to change. And change is possible. With two decades of experience, a renewed brand, and unwavering commitment to our cause, we look forward to the next 20 years with renewed vigour, ready to make an even greater impact on the lives of countless individuals.

As we enter this exciting new chapter, we invite everyone to join us celebrating our 20 years of dedication and the promise of an even brighter future where healthy relationships, kindness, and empowerment flourish.

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