St. William’s Primary School

For primary schools, we recognise that booking a Healthy Relationships project may feel like a leap of faith.
· Will it be age appropriate?
· How will children respond?
· How will we deal with disclosures?
For St William’s Primary in Norfolk, their leap of faith has parachuted into no less than five successful Tender projects since 2021, reaching over 300 children.
Amidst the Covid-19 pandemic, our Tender East team has witnessed St William’s’ staff take a unique and proactive approach to supporting children, such as booking bespoke Tender workshops for girls struggling with their friendships after lockdown.
“A good friend is thoughtful, doesn’t pressure you, is kind, accepts you and doesn’t judge.”
St William’s has even adopted some of our creative teaching tools, such as our “i-message” activity. “I-message” is a series of statements that children can adapt to their own voice and needs, then role-play with peers to practice resolving conflict in a healthy, constructive way. Since their project with us, St William’s staff have actively displayed the i-message template in their classrooms and combined it with their own expertise to help children resolve arguments.In the words of one student: “a good friend is thoughtful, doesn’t pressure you, is kind, accepts you and doesn’t judge.” And that is certainly true of St William’s Primary School.