Ralph Allen School

Part of a poster designed by Ralph Allen School

Young people often approach their friends first if they are worried about a relationship, so our projects regularly include creative opportunities for them to educate and support their peers.

In 2022, we delivered a Healthy Relationships session at Ralph Allen School, during which we supported a group of students to create some new posters which celebrated the healthy behaviours everyone deserves in their relationships. One student created a wonderful poster called ‘Ducks’, which shows healthy and unhealthy relationship behaviours between two ducks.

The poster was so effective that – with the student’s permission – we can now offer it to primary and secondary schools from every region we work in. In just two short days, one young person created a resource which could help hundreds of children to recognise and aim for healthier relationships.

Our Tender West team was so proud that they nominated the young person in question for a Tender Award, which they received in 2023.